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Business Listings for California
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Operation Silver Star is a nonprofit dedicated to assisting wounded and returning combat veterans from all eras with much needed financial, ... |
Non-profit, 501(c)3 organization focusing on veterans and their families engaging in comic book arts. The mission of our organization is ... |
Amador County Veterans Organization | Sutter Creek, CA 95685 Amador County Veterans Organization is developing relationships with local small businesses and private corporations, since we have become ... |
International House of Prayer | San Jose, CA 95121 International House of Prayer sponsors charity raffles to help wounded American Veterans and their families. We donate the money raised to ... |
MENdleton Foundation | Fallbrook, CA 92028 The MENdleton Foundation was created with one simple idea; leave no brother behind. MENdleton started life as a Facebook group designed ... |
Veterans of Foreign Wars South San Luis Obispo County - Nipomo | Nipomo, CA 93444 Veterans of Foreign Wars South San Luis Obispo County - Nipomo: If you have served in the United States Military outside of the country ... |
Veterans' Holiday Celebration | Los Angeles, CA 90073 The Veterans’ Holiday Celebration is a one-day event held on the first Sunday every December, providing meals, gifts, entertainment and ... |