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Business Listings for Ohio
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The American Veterans Heritage Center (AVHC) is a non-profit, (501c3) corporation. We honor the accomplishments of veterans while ... |
The mission of Community Maintenance Service (CMS) is to educate and train at risk/opportunity youth and young adults in the construction ... |
Advocates for Veterans | Hilliard, OH 43026 Advocates for Veterans assists veterans in filing new disability compensation claims, (no charge), filing Notices of Disagreements and ... |
DD214 Tax Service | Uniontown, OH 44685 To assist and support service members (including current military spouse) of active duty, reservist, national guard, veterans, and military ... |
Disabled Veterans Outdoors | New Lexington, OH 43764 We provide events (hunting, fishing) for veterans, disabled for any reason. We cover the food and lodging as well. We also have equipment ... |
Lorain County Music Fest | Grafton, OH 44044 Lorain County Music Fest is a 10 not for profit, all ages, local, live music 3-Day camping event. Held annually with the help & love of ... |
Noble County Veterans Service | Caldwell, OH 43724 We help Veterans from our County obtain benefits entitled to them from The Department of Veterans Affairs. We also provide financial ... |
Patriot Cabin Community | Vinton, OH 45686 Patriot Cabin Community is a non-profit 501c3 Ohio corporation that provides live-work and campground communities for veterans and their ... |
Product Sales Your Support Group | Toledo, OH 43537 Product Sales Your Support Group assists with fund raising for public high school, humane societies and other non-profits. |
Summit for Soldiers | Columbus, OH 43214 Summit for Soldiers provides PTSD and Suicide Awareness, and an Outdoor Adventure program for Veterans and Family members. Developing ... |
Veteran Oasis | Tipp City, OH 45371 Veteran Oasis is a place for veterans, their caregivers, active duty military and their families to relax, unwind and feel like a part of ... |
Vets 4 Vets Inc | Cincinnati, OH 45213 Vets 4 Vets Inc is a Non-Profit Organization that assist Homeless Veterans and those at Risk of becoming homeless with Temporary ... |