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The 5th Squad is a 501c3 Nonprofit combat Veteran organization that focuses on assisting Veterans in need and making a positive impact on ... |
A Veterans Community is a 501(c)(3) non-profit located in Central Florida that has a mission to provide safe, and stable housing to ... |
Alpha Omega Veterans Services, Inc. is a Nonprofit organization helping veterans reintegrate into civilian society through a variety of ... |
Founded in 2001, American Combat Veterans of War (ACVOW) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization comprised of both veteran and non-veteran ... |
We are a Non-Profit organization based in Wichita Falls, Texas with a mission to end homelessness for veterans in North Texas. |
The Clark County Veterans Assistance Centers (CCVAC) mission is to provide a welcoming and safe environment with the goal of assisting ... |
Creative Drill Sergeants helps prevent homelessness and suicides by providing our veterans camaraderie, mentoring, family healing and ... |
Help-A-Hero Foundation is a non-profit business established to help to provide food, clothing, shelter, and basic services to our American ... |
Horizon Outreach is a non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization founded by a United States Air Force Veteran in February 2010 for the charitable ... |
Lovevets Ministries Inc. is based on helping veterans that are homeless and looking for a job/career. Lovevets Ministries offers a variety ... |
The National Coalition for Homeless Veterans (NCHV) is the leading authority on homeless veterans’ issues and the only national ... |
The mission of Operation First Response, Inc (OFR) is to serve all branches of our nation's Wounded Warriors and their families with ... |
MISSION - Empower homeless & hospitalized Veterans through the enrichment of literature. VISION - To be recognized by our supported ... |
Operation Stand Down Rhode Island "A Hand Up...Not A Hand Out" When Duty Called, They Served...Now It's Time To Serve Them. Operation ... |
Passageways provides housing and services to veterans who are homeless or near homeless. We currently have one house in West Wichita, ... |
The mission of the Patriot Military Family Foundation (PMFF) is to honor our veterans for their service and commitment to our freedoms and ... |
Project Help supports homeless and needy veterans and their families. We provide clothing, emergency funds, alternative therapies and act ... |
Project STEAL is a new organization Joining the fight in mitigating veteran homeless by creating housing for veterans, starting here in San ... |
Purple Heart Homes is founded by and for our veterans and is operated as 501(c)3 Non-Profit organization founded in 2008. Formed with a ... |
The Quincy House: A home where it is the priority to support veterans by providing them a safe and quiet home, and a place to grow in their ... |
Services and Assistance for Veterans with Emergencies (S.A.V.E) in Las Vegas, Nevada is dedicated to working to give our veterans a better ... |
Swords to Plowshares is a community-based, not-for-profit veteran service organization that provides wrap-around care to more than 2,000 ... |
Tech For Troops provides veterans and the children of veterans in-need with free computers, and in house hands-on essential computer ... |
The Eagles Nest Leadership Academy is a Men's Health, Empowerment and Advocacy program that focus on helping men across America increase ... |
The Elisha Project is a program that is focused on the example and commands of our Lord Jesus Christ. We make no excuse for loving the ... |
The Freedom Isn't Free Ride Foundation assists homeless veterans who fall through the cracks secure housing which meets their needs, i.e. ... |
Assisting at risk veterans and their families in their time of emergency need. Temporary housing on an as available basis, partnering with ... |
The Lost Vets Rescue is a Registered 501(c)(3) Public Charity, we are an immediate need rescue for homeless and at-risk Veterans. |
The Rise as One Foundation exists to serve the underserved, the world's greatest givers: Our Veterans. With 30+ years of Real-Estate ... |
The Servant Center is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that provides transitional housing for homeless disabled veterans. This housing is called ... |
United Veterans of Maine provides an Emergency Shelter for Veterans / Veterans & families with facilities for Short & Long term ... |
Veteran Awareness Coalition's mission is to provide veterans and their families with every resource possible to deal with post war issues ... |
Veteran Housing Corp is a 501c3 tax-exempt non-profit organization that provides emergency, temporary, and long-term housing to veterans in ... |
Are you over 65 and a veteran? Or a wife of a deceased veteran? Veteran Senior Living Navigator is a senior living navigator that is ... |
Non-profit organization operating out of Pittsburg CA. VAH provides transitional housing for homeless Gulf War/ 911 era Student and ... |
Veterans Bridge Home helps Charlotte veterans successfully transition home after military service by identifying their education, ... |
Veterans Kitchen, Inc. provides meals to homeless veterans in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia. As we interact with our vets we help ... |
Veterans Miracle Center Erie - "All gave some - some gave all." To you, a Veteran of the United States Military, these are not mere words ... |
TLS Veterans operates New Horizons, a 20-bed transitional living shelter in Hebron, IL for homeless veterans who benefit from a more ... |
Veterans Preference Inc.'s mission is to prevent homelessness for female veterans. We do this by providing critical tools, education, ... |
Veterans Transitional Housing Facility Phone Office: 321-409-8167 Phone Day Room: 321-953-8085 "VETERANS HELPING VETERANS" The ... |
The mission of VETS ROCK is to provide resources and assistance to veterans of ALL branches of the United States Military. VETS ROCK plans ... |
The VOA/Bill Daniels Veteran Services Center is a "one-stop" location for veterans experiencing homelessness to easily access multiple ... |
We Got Your Six is a veteran owned IRS recognized 501(c)(3) public charity with a mission to help get homeless veterans off the streets. We ... |
Wounded Veterans Relief Fund provides emergency financial assistance and critical dental care to qualified disabled Florida veterans. ... |
(MNK) My Neighbors Keeper Corporation | Roswell, GA 30076 We are a non-judgmental, multicultural nonprofit organization whose mission is to eliminate the plight of the homeless, racial ... |
127 WarHouse | Puyallup, WA 98375 We are a state and nationally recognized non-profit organization that is dedicated to ending homelessness for Veterans. Our goal is to ... |
22 Damn Many | Elizabethtown, KY 42701 22 Damn Many Inc. was founded by a homeless veteran to help house other homeless veterans as well that's when i decided to get our articles ... |
Adel Williams Foundation, Inc. | Orange City, FL 32763 Adel Williams Foundation was founded to provide services to the elderly, persons with disabilities, disabled veterans, homeless, and low to ... |
America's Homeless Veterans | Sacramento, CA 95816 Our Organization--America's Homeless Veterans--is comprised of Veterans helping Veterans overcome the challenges of homelessness. Our ... |
American Raffle Foundation | Scottsdale, AZ 85254 American Raffle Foundation (ARF) is a registered IRS approved charity fund raising corporation (501 c 3). Our staff through out the ... |
Augusta Warrior Project | Martinez, GA 30907 Connecting Warriors and their families who live in the Greater Augusta area of Georgia and South Carolina (CSRA) with resources that ... |
Banyan Tree Project, Inc. | St. Petersburg, FL 33731 Banyan Tree Project, Inc. provides transitional housing, case management, substance abuse recovery, peer support groups, supportive ... |
Bottom Line Trust Corporation | Lexington Park, MD 20653 Bottom Line Trust Corporation, our mission is to provide homes for the disadvantaged by renting/selling single family or town homes at ... |
By Noble Hands, LLC | St. Petersburg, FL 33705 This business is a health care business. To provide home care/companion services to our veterans. Also to feed, house and transition ... |
Community Supportive Living Organization | Durham, NC 27705 Community Supportive Living Organization (CSL) is one of the most comprehensive substance abuse and mental health programs for homeless ... |
De Novo Inc | Redford, MI 48239 De Novo Inc is a non profit organization that services veterans with housing needs, hands on care needs, transportation, e-mods, equipment, ... |
Delaware Center for Homeless Veterans, Inc. | Wilmington, DE 19810 The Delaware Center for Homeless Veterans, Inc. (DCHV) is an IRS 501(c) (3) Veterans-specific nonprofit. THE MISSION of the Delaware Center ... |
Disabled Veterans Charities | Baldwin Park, CA 91706 The mission of the Disabled Veterans Charities is to assist the disabled and needy veterans, their widows, and their dependents. We do this ... |
Doing Better than Excellence, LLC | Cleveland, OH 44108 Doing Better than Excellence is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization whose vision is to break the cycle of Veterans becoming homeless in ... |
Edward Kline Memorial Homeless Veterans Fund | Las Vegas, NV 89134 The Kline Homeless Veterans Fund is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization working in close cooperation with the Veteran Administration and ... |
Elevated Excellence | Country Club Hills, IL 60478 Safe supportive lodging for elders or veterans looking for a home like environment. Offering meals, transportation, medication management ... |
Eve Angel Foundation, Inc. | Fayetteville, GA 30214 The Eve Angel Foundation's mission is to provide qualified homeless individuals and families temporary services to assist them with their ... |
Family Endeavors, Inc. dba Endeavors | San Antonio, TX 78249 CARING FOR VETERANS & THEIR FAMILIES - Homelessness prevention, rapid rehousing, employment services, mental health care and military life ... |
Feed Our Veterans | New York Mills, NY 13417 Feed Our Veterans provides hungry/needy veterans with Wal-Mart gift cards/Visa gift cards to buy food. |
Fisher House Foundation | Rockville, MD 20852 Fisher House Foundation provides a comfortable "home away from home" for families whose loved ones are receiving care at all major military ... |
Flanagan West, Inc. | Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Flanagan West, Inc. is a Homeless Veterans Outreach, located at March ARB, California. |
Geaux Veterans | Denham Springs, LA 70726 Geaux Veterans Mission is to Create Career Pathways for the Veteran Community. As a applied for non-profit awaiting IRS designation, Geaux ... |
Grandeur of Grace, INC | Lawton, OK 73501 Providing temporary and permanent housing for veterans along with job services and community |
Grandmaz Hands | Charlotte, NC 28227 GrandMaz Hands 501©3 is an intense upreach/outreach agency for Homeless Veteran’s. Even though we open our Hearts and Hands to all who ... |
Green Hope Veterans | Fresno, CA 93721 The mission of the Green Hope Veterans is to enable homeless veterans, seniors, and youth to become self-sufficient by providing them ... |
Helping Our Veterans, Inc. | Decatur, GA 30032 Established in 2008, Helping Our Veterans, Inc. (HOV) provides information and referral (I & R) assistance services to assist chronically ... |
Heroes Place, Inc. | Washington, DC 20002 Heroes Place, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) non profit established to help homeless and low-income veterans transition from dependence to ... |
Heroes to Homeless | Greenwood, IN 46142 Heroes to Homeless is a non-profit organization. We are a Veterans organization for the sole purpose so the Veteran’s that we house and ... |
Heroes United | White Plains, NY 10601 The mission for Heroes United is to work closely with OIF/OEF/OND veterans and provide them with effective transitional services. These are ... |
Holiness Ministries Coalition | Vista, CA 92083 Holiness Ministries Coalition is an organization that is partnered with agencies,indiviuals, and churches to help end hunger in San Diego ... |
Homeless Disabled Veterans of the NorthWest Foundation | Wilsonville, OR 97070 HDVNW Foundation is a local non-profit organization that assists homeless disabled veterans in Oregon and SW Washington rehabilitate their ... |
Homeowners for the Homeless Veterans | Aurora, CO 80017 Homeowners for the Homeless Veterans is a membership based foundation established to provide emergency funding distributed through Veteran ... |
Homes4Vets | Austin, TX 78723 Homes4Vets is dedicated to constructing and managing a community for the housing and rehabilitation of homeless Veterans. Our designs, ... |
Hope For Life Inc | Los Angeles, CA 90047 Hope For Life Inc provides sober living, transitional housing for SSI, mental health, Veterans and non violent prisoners. |
Houses for Warriors, Inc. | Evergreen, CO 80439 Our nonprofit organization is a Class-B Licensed construction company, and we are taking on new clients. 90 cents of every dollar we ... |
Housing Crisis Center | Dallas, TX 75246 Housing Crisis Center is a 501(c)3 non-profit agency that provides 2 levels of service to the Veterans of Dallas, Texas. Through our Free ... |
Housing for Homeless | Rockledge, FL 32955 Coalition for the Hungry & Homeless of Brevard's mission is to provide decent, affordable housing and to expand opportunities available to ... |
I AM LOVE Outreach & Ministry Inc. | Saint Cloud, FL 34772 I AM LOVE Outreach & Ministry is a homeless outreach & ministry focusing on homeless women,children and veterans. I AM LOVE Outreach & ... |
Innovative Concept Transitional Housing | Las Vegas, NV 89104 Innovative Concept Transitional Housing offers Transitional Shared Housing. |
Innovative Treatment Alternatives, Inc | Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 Innovative Treatment Alternatives, Inc provides special needs housing for disabled individuals and Veterans who need care, and supportive ... |
JC'S Place | Hueytown, AL 35023 JC'S Place serve homeless veterans with career coaching and housing. |
Job Grace Vet's | Ruskin, FL 33573 Job Grace Vet's provides a place and food for homeless and disabled veterans. |
Joseph and Sarah Caring for Vets, Inc. | Atlanta, GA 30336 Joseph and Sarah Caring for Veterans, Inc. is a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide transitional housing and referral ... |
Milestone Outreach, Inc | Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 Milestone Outreach provides safe, affordable housing to veterans and their families. We work with The Veterans Administration, HUD and ... |
Montrel Living Inc | Dallas, TX 75204 Montrel Living Inc provides housing for mentally ill and homeless Veterans. We collaborate with other supportive agencies to provide ... |
Moves That Matter | Mesa, AZ 85205 FREE Real Estate Referral service that raises money to help homeless and disabled Veterans. The Realtors who participate in the Moves ... |
National Alliance of Women Veterans, Inc. | Philadelphia, PA 19132 National Alliance of Women Veterans, Inc. is a nonprofit that assists women veterans with advocacy and support. |
National Coalition for Homeless Veterans | Washington, DC 20003 The National Coalition for Homeless Veterans (NCHV) — a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization governed by a 13-member board of directors — ... |
Operation Charlie Mike | Portland, OR 97292 Operation Charlie Mike is a 501(c)3 non-profit that assists all generations of veterans who are struggling with the invisible wounds of ... |
Operation Clothing Drop Inc. | Freeport, NY 11520 Operation Clothing Drop Inc. is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization inaugurated in New York as to bring restoration and empowerment to ... |
Operation Dignity | Oakland, CA 94612 Founded in 1993 by Vietnam Veteran Alex McElree, Operation Dignity offers a HAND-UP not a HAND-OUT approach, building community among vets ... |
Operation Enduring Gratitude | Avondale, AZ 85323 In addition to building houses and ramps, Operation Enduring Gratitude plans to partner with two other Valley nonprofits, Rebuilding ... |
Operation Homefront | San Antonio, TX 78239 Operation Homefront provides emergency assistance and morale to our troops, to the families they leave behind, and to wounded warriors when ... |
Operation Homefront Hampton Roads | Loudoun, VA 20166 Operation Homefront Hampton Roads is a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit whose mission is to build strong, stable, and secure military families ... |
Operation Stand Down Huntsville Inc | Huntsville, AL 35816 Operation Stand Down Huntsville Inc helps the less fortunate veterans in North Alabama re-establish ties and re-integrate back into the ... |
Operation Veterans' Hope | Mount Holly Springs, PA 17605 Operation Veterans' Hope is here to help homeless veterans to get off the street in a Work2Stay program. Here they are given the ... |
Operation Warrior's Foundation, Inc. | Yelm, WA 98597 Operation Warrior's Foundation, Inc was founded in September 2012. The foundation was created to offer our Veterans, military Service ... |
Operation WEBS: Women Empowered Build Strong | Orcutt, CA 93457 Operation WEBS (OpWEBS) builds high-quality, sustainable, and affordable Tiny Homes On Wheels (THOW) to provide rapid re-housing solutions ... |
Our Home Transitional | Flint, MI 48502 Our Home is a Transitional Home for Homeless Female Vets (Phase 1) and those with children (Phase 2) Description The plan is to purchase & ... |
Passion Purses Inc. | San Antonio, TX 78218 Passion Purses is a 501c3 non profit organization whos' mission is to follow the example of Christ by helping those in need and proclaiming ... |
Phoenix House, Inc. | Columbia, MD 21044 Phoenix House pledges to serve the needs of homeless, unemployed and underemployed female veterans by providing self sufficiency gateways ... |
Places for Vets | New Port Richey, FL 34652 Places for Vets is a transitional assisted living facility (residence) for homeless psychologically and physically disabled veterans. We ... |
Project Brotherhood Resolve | Lapeer, MI 48446 Project Brotherhood Resolve (PBR) is a Non-profit assisting struggling veterans financially. Long term goal is veteran homeless housing. ... |
PVAPP 4 Veterans | Crestview, FL 32536 PVAPP 4 Veterans is a Community-based Day Service Center (DSC) for Homeless Veterans that will be established in Crestview, Florida. The ... |
Quincy House | Topeka, KS 66608 Quincy House is a world-class faith based homeless veterans organization recognized as the standard of excellence by those veterans we ... |
Reflections of Grace Outreach Ministries Inc. | Moreno Valley, CA 92553 e are committed to making a difference when we are fortunate to bless others; Our outreach Ministry provides a "WE CARE” hygiene bag and ... |
Rescue + Residence | Yucca Valley, CA 92284 Working to end veteran homelessness through a unique, holistic, 3-phase process. After self-recovery and job skills training, participants ... |
Robinson House Foundation, Inc. | Saint Charles, MO 63301 The Robinson House Foundation Is an organization to help homeless veterans find a place to call their own. Before we find the veterans a ... |
Rocky Mountain Veterans Village Foundation | Colorado Springs, CO 80923 At Rocky Mountain Veterans Village Foundation (RMVVF), we envision a national village that holds our veterans in highest regard and ... |
Ruyts Foundation of Veteran Suicide Prevention | Fredericksurg, VA 22401 "Our Heroes have fought for us, now it is time help them fight the battles they can no longer fight alone." We are a 501(c)(3) banding ... |
Salisbury Veterans Voice Mental Health Council | Clemmons, NC 27012 Salisbury Veterans Voice Mental Health Council is an organization created to improve the lives of disabled veterans with brain disorders ... |
Sanctuary Island | Indialantic, FL 32903 Sanctuary Island is headquartered in Brevard County, Florida. Mission The mission for Sanctuary Island Inc. is to service wounded ... |
Scars and Stripes Inc | Hot Springs, AR 71913 Our nonprofit organization is dedicated to supporting and empowering the veteran population by addressing critical challenges such as ... |
South Florida Honors Alliance | Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547 Non Profit Organization that assist Homeless indigent Veterans |
Speak Life Wordwide Inc. | Lithonia, GA 30058 Speak Life Wordwide Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit educational/charitable organization providing education and training for veterans, the ... |
Support Homeless Veterans | Philadelphia, PA 19145 Support Homeless Veterans was created in 2011 to combat the growing epidemic of homelessness among American Veterans. Support Homeless ... |
Sweats for Vets | Marlborough, MA 01752 Just before Christmas 2011, a parent of one of my students was up at the Veterans' Homeless Shelter in Worcester. She saw a veteran with a ... |
The Lighthouse for Recovery Ministries | Birmingham, AL 35212 The Lighthouse for Recovery Ministries provides Resource Management Services for Social Service Organizations and Transitional Resettlement ... |
The Reloaded Program | San Antonio, TX 78245 The Reloaded Program is a Nonprofit Organization whose mission is to provide Veterans and Transitioning Military with a low stress ... |
The Veterans Reset Center | Sicklerville, NJ 08081 The Veterans Reset Center (TVRC) is a local Nonprofit 501C3 located in Southern NJ to provide transitional housing for displaced Veterans ... |
The Village Holding Company | Gaylord, MI 49735 Veterans Village is a Holding Company in order to use OPM (Other People Money) to provide Housing for Veterans and their Families. We than ... |
TREA Memorial Foundation | Aurora, CO 80012 The Armed Forces Aid Campaign is a special project of The Retired Enlisted Association's (TREA) Memorial Foundation. TREA's mission is to ... |
U.S. VETS - Las Vegas | Las Vegas, NV 89117 U.S.VETS — Las Vegas opened in 2001 and operates two residential facilities and a community support office. The Las Vegas location ... |
United For The People | Round Rock, TX 78664 United For The People is a 501 (c) 3 non profit organization providing transportation for veterans from their home to their VA medical ... |
Urojas Community Services | San Leandro, CA 94577 Urojas Community Services catesr to homeless veterans men and women in transition. We provide, basic life skills to help them transition to ... |
V.E.T.S. Inc | Jamaica, NY 11433 V.E.T.S. Inc is a residential facility that provides: a) Food: three nutritionally balanced meals per day b) Shelter: 2 men per room and ... |
Vet's Place | West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Vet’s Place Services (VPS) is pleased to announce new services in Palm Beach County for Veterans & their families. We specialize in ... |
Veteran Directed Community Services | Raytown, MO 64133 The mission of Veteran Directed Community Services (VDCS) is to enrich the lives of all transitioning service members, veterans of the U.S. ... |
Veteran Services of New England | Old Lyme, CT 06371 We provide services at location accessible through public transportation and in cooperation with local partners that reach into the ... |
Veteran Services Unlimited, Inc. | San Jon, NM 88434 Veteran Services Unlimited, Inc. is a non-profit set up to help Veterans and their families with what ever we can. Our desire is to provide ... |
Veteran's Estate Service | York, PA 17404 Veteran's Estate Service is a Viet Nam Veteran owned and operated business dedicated to disposal of Veteran's personal property. A ... |
Veterans Empowerment Organization of Georgia, Inc. | Atlanta, GA 30318 The Veterans Empowerment Organization of Georgia, Inc. (VEO) is a place of hope where our community's natural abundance of compassion and ... |
Veterans for Veterans America, Inc. | Morrow, GA 30260 The Veteran Development Center (VDC) is the support services component of the 501c3 nonprofit Veterans for Veterans AmericA, Inc. The ... |
Veterans Helping Veterans of Lake City | Lake City, FL 32025 Veterans Helping Veterans of Lake City is here to assist our homeless veterans in getting housing and food. |
Veterans Housing Organization | Baltimore, MD 21227 The Veterans Housing Organization is uniquely equipped to donate cash to "every" veteran and active service member when buying, renting or ... |
VETERANS IN TRANSITION Inc | Louisville, KY 40218 VETERANS IN TRANSITION Inc., in conjunction with the National Association for Black Veterans Inc. (NABVETS), offers a range of programs and ... |
Veterans Joint Task Force on Homelessness | Clarksburg, CA 95682 Government utilizes a "Social Services Model" in its efforts to mitigate Homelessness - which has failed. The Vets Task Force has developed ... |
Veterans Post News | St. Petersburg, FL 33705 Veterans Post News is a monthly publication dealing with Active Duty and Veterans Affairs, providing information and updates on ... |
Veterans R M.A.D. Inc. | Cocoa, FL 32922 Veterans R M.A.D. Inc. is a non profit resource and development center for homeless veterans and their families. Veterans R M.A.D. Inc. ... |
Veterans Services of America | West Palm Beach, FL 33407 Veterans Services of America offers housing for homeless Veterans / Helping Veterans get there first house / Jobs / Support Services. |
Veterans Transitional Housing Inc. | Tampa, FL 33613 Veterans Transitional Housing: I offer veterans like myself a safe place to go and get shelter, counseling and housing assistance along ... |
Veterans Unlimited Services of Solano County | Suisun, CA 94533 To care for those whom have borne the battle, their widows and widowers, and orphans by serving, and honoring these veterans and their ... |
Veterans Village USA | St. Petersburg, FL 33705 Veterans Village USA, Only for Veterans: Building Tiny Homes for handicapped and disabled Veterans. We hire VOB electricians, plumbers, ... |
Veterans Way Home | Baton Rouge, LA 70811 Veterans Way Home, is a non profit business that provides housing for homeless and displaced veterans. |
Veterans Welcome Home and Resource Center | Little River, SC 29566 The mission of the Veterans Welcome Home and Resource Center is to assist our local honorably discharged veterans with job placement, ... |
Vetmade Industries, Inc. | Tampa, FL 33629 Vetmade Industries, Inc. (501c3) Non-Profit Mission: Provide exceptionally qualified workers to business and industry after an intensive ... |
Vets 4 Vets Inc | Cincinnati, OH 45213 Vets 4 Vets Inc is a Non-Profit Organization that assist Homeless Veterans and those at Risk of becoming homeless with Temporary ... |
Victory Place - Phoenix | Phoenix, AZ 85040 Victory Place is a 177-bed facility in Phoenix available for homeless veterans. Along with the Carl T. Hayden Veterans Affairs Hospital, it ... |
Visions Of Hope, Inc. | Philadelphia, PA 19143 Visions Of Hope, Inc. is a non-profit, emergency housing assistance organization created to offer permanent housing opportunities to ... |
Visions Outreach, Inc. | Atlanta, GA 30321 Vision Outreach Inc. was founded by Leonard Morgan, a veteran with more than 30 years of experience in the logistics field. Mr. ... |
Volunteers Serving The Need-Helping Veterans | Laredo, TX 78040 Volunteers Serving The Need-Helping Veterans, is a nonprofit that service the needs of local veterans in Webb county. We provide monthly ... |