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Just Our Soldiers' Helpers Inc. (J.O.S.H.)

Business Address:
P.O. Box 954031
Lake Mary, FL 32795
Seminole County
Business Contact:
Kathy Hewitt
Contact Just Our Soldiers' Helpers Inc. (J.O.S.H.)

Non-Profit Organization | Member since March 24th, 2012

Just Our Soldiers' Helpers' Mission:
The mission of Just Our Soldiers’ Helpers Inc. is to raise the morale of active military troops deployed to locations in harm’s way. We support our troops by preparing and shipping care packages consisting of snacks or hygiene products. We want deployed Soldiers to know we stand with them and they have not been forgotten.

Just Our Soldiers' Helpers' Purpose:
The purpose for Just Our Soldiers' Helpers Inc. is to remind as many people as possible that we have young men and women who are currently actively serving our Country and desperately need our encouragement and support.

We prepare and ship care packages to Soldiers who are serving in harm's way. The majority of our packages have been shipped to Afghanistan.

We specifically want to reach those who serve in remote locations and do not have a PX on their base. We also want to ship to those who would otherwise not receive mail from home.

Please mention you proudly found Just Our Soldiers' Helpers Inc. (J.O.S.H.) on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!

Comments on the Military and Business Ownership

I have not been in the military but the focus and mission of my non-profit organization is to support and encourage active Troops who are deployed to areas that place them in harm's way. We hope to increase awareness of our Soldiers' sacrifices and increase the morale of our heroes who are serving far from home and family.

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