AA Office Equipment Co Inc
Veteran Owned Business | National Guard, Retired | Member since April 19th, 2012
In addition AA Office Equipment Co Inc represents several manufactures in the office furniture industry with ergonomic and Greenguard Certified products, here are a few of them Global, Evolve, Pacific Coast Distributors, Maxon, OFS, Mayline, DFM, Stylex and RFM seating.
AA Office Equipment Co was established in 1949.
Please mention you proudly found AA Office Equipment Co Inc on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!
Comments on the Military and Business Ownership
The military by the nature of its structure forces members to take on responsibilities as they progress in rank. I realized quickly that we are most often our biggest obstacle to progression due to fear of the unknown or uncertainty of our abilities. I learned to trust in myself and others as well understanding that we are all limitless in our abilities. I joined the military to get an education in communication technology, I retired after 22 years with the confidence in my ability to do anything
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