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Mountain Brook Lodge

Business Address:
5712 Route 86
P.O. Box 445
Lake Placid, NY 12997-0445
Essex County
Business Contact:
Al & Alicia Armstrong
Contact Mountain Brook Lodge

Veteran Owned Business | Marines, Retired | Member since July 4th, 2012

Nestled in the scenic Adirondack Mountains of New York, the Mountain Brook Lodge provides comfortable lodging with warm hospitality and affordable prices. Families can enjoy natures best, year-round, in this tranquil atmosphere. Our lodge’s mood is casual, relaxing, and leisurely.

Guests enjoy a peaceful serene community tucked away among the Adirondack High Peaks and Au Sable River providing beauty and recreation in every season. Whiteface Mountain, is 3 miles away.

Mountain Brook Lodge is listed as the #1 Lodge on Tripadvisor. Discounts available for Veterans and especially for returning Iraq/Afghanistan Vets!

Please mention you proudly found Mountain Brook Lodge on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!

Comments on the Military and Business Ownership

We use the Golden Rule concept and lots of common sense. Semper Fi!

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