B.K. Galbreath & Associates
Veteran Owned Business | Army, Separated | Member since August 22nd, 2012
We offer a variety of services designed specifically to save our attorney's client time and money.
As an RN with over 14 years experience in Critical Care, Behavioral Health, Pain Management and Managed Care, B.K. Galbreath & Associates can provide valuable insights into hospital operations.
This experience coupled with our Military experience and Law Enforcement Investigations can be invaluable.
Please mention you proudly found B.K. Galbreath & Associates on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!
Comments on the Military and Business Ownership
The military taught me at a young age that I can accomplish anything that I put my mind to. The military teaches us the value of working together to ensure successful outcomes. Furthermore, I learned the importance of honesty, integrity and hard work. I developed friendships that have lasted years and I learned that you get more out of life by giving and sacrifice. I truly feel that I am a far better person than I would be had I not served.
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