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Healing Warrior Hearts

Business Address:
2437 N Booth St.
Milwaukee, WI 53212
Milwaukee County

Business Contact:
Patricia Clason
Program Coordinator
Contact Healing Warrior Hearts

Non-Profit Organization | Member since March 9th, 2013

Healing Warrior Hearts provides programs for military personnel and their families, dedicated to healing the emotional, moral and spiritual wounds of war. The Starfish Foundation, a the 501c3 charitable organization, is the sponsor of these programs, offering them at no cost to military veterans and their families.

Healing Warrior Hearts guides the wounded to the peace that heals and strengthens their hearts. The gathering of community, unconditional love and the absence of judgment create the safety required for healing to occur.

Military personnel, veterans and families come together with civilians in retreats and other events to tell their stories and heal their hearts - in weekend programs and week-long retreats.

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Comments on the Military and Business Ownership

The founder of Healing Warrior Hearts has twenty years of experience working with veterans and thirty years experience working with trauma survivors. The staff consists of veterans and civilians who volunteer their services to help veterans heal emotionally.

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Healing Warrior Hearts - Tagline/Slogan:
Trauma Recovery Facilitation Program

Hours of Operation

Our hours vary, with evening programs and retreat weekends. Please call to set up an appointment or to get more information


Serviceable Areas

Wisconsin Milwaukee Illinois Texas

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