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Mr. Fix It Plumbing

Business Address:
4320 Atlantic Ave.
Suite 230
Long Beach, CA 90807
Los Angeles County

Business Contact:
Mark Meng
Contact Mr. Fix It Plumbing

Service Disabled Veteran Owned | Army, Separated | Member since April 16th, 2013
Business claims to be certified by the CVEBusiness claims to be listed on GSA

Mr. Fix It Plumbing is a disabled veteran plumbing contractor. We are a certified HUD Section 3 Business, a DVBE in California, and a certified SDVOBE with the federal government.

Mr. Fix It Plumbing can handle jobs in the $100,000 range or less. We are bondable to 2.5M. We have fully supplied trucks and college trained plumbers with years of experience ready to go!

Please mention you proudly found Mr. Fix It Plumbing on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!

Comments on the Military and Business Ownership

I was Army Airborne with the 82nd at Ft Bragg. The 82nd was ready to transport, very quickly, troops, tanks, guns, jeeps, whatever was needed to trouble spots around the world. Plumbing problems can be emergency situations that need a rapid response. Although the logistics are not on the same scale as the 82nd Airborne, we have the same "gung ho, can do" attitude and are ready 24/7! We most likely won't be parachuting into your job but we will show up quickly, competently, and ready to work.

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