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Cincinnati Painter, Inc.

Business Address:
402 Purcell Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45205
Hamilton County
Business Contact:
Mr. James Myers
President, Owner
Contact Cincinnati Painter, Inc.

Veteran Owned Business | Air Force Reserves, Retired | Member since July 14th, 2009

Cincinnati Painter, Inc. Painting Business (Interior & Exterior). We offer the complete package of service to our customers. We are a small company with only 2 employees. We have found that less is more and we can be much more customer oriented.

Please mention you proudly found Cincinnati Painter, Inc. on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!

Comments on the Military and Business Ownership

Discipline, Discipline, Discipline. I received a lot of knowledge from my career in the military. Air Force values; Service before self and excellence in all we do.

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