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Bob Jakowinicz - Realtor

Business Address:
17197 N Laurel Park Dr.
Suite 101
Livonia, MI 48152
Wayne County
Business Contact:
Realtor Robert Jakowinicz
Contact Bob Jakowinicz - Realtor

Veteran Owned Business | Marines, Retired | Member since April 19th, 2015

Bob Jakowinicz - Realtor: Residential real estate service specializing in Livonia, Novi, Farmington Hills, Northville and Plymouth Michigan.

Experience in single family home sales, divorce home sales, estate home sales and corporate relocation homes sales along the I125/96 expressway corridor.

Residential real estate sales specialist in home buying and selling.

Please mention you proudly found Bob Jakowinicz - Realtor on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!

Comments on the Military and Business Ownership

My 4 years in the Marines taught me many life lessons. We were taught to always give our best no matter how tough the challenge may be, this would include physical, mental and other types of challenges. In the end there was no limit to what one could accomplish on a task in the Marine Corps, whether you started out in great condition or not you could easily make the necessary changes to adapt via studying, changing your mindset and physical training.

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