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Veteran Entrepreneurs Today

Business Address:
Veteran Entrepreneurs Today
V. E. T.
San Diego, CA 92108
San Diego County
DBA/Alternate Name/Nickname:
V. E. T. Veteran Entrepreneurs Today

Business Contact:
Vicki Garcia
Contact Veteran Entrepreneurs Today

Non-Profit Organization | Member since July 16th, 2015

Veteran Entrepreneurs Today (V.E.T.) - What do hand crafted pickles, a sports coach, a fitness guru, a financial adviser and a business consultant have in common? They all came through the V.E.T. program with more business savvy under their belts and a team of other veteran entrepreneurs to support them.

Veteran Entrepreneurs Today is a veteran entrepreneur program in Southern California, turning veterans into business owners and job creators, through workshops and think tank groups. Financial stability, independence, self-reliance and wealth are the rewards of self-employment. V.E.T. expedites the process to get new veterans there faster.

V.E.T. works under the umbrella of National Veteran Training Services, Inc. where we are a sister program to the well known Reboot program.

Please mention you proudly found Veteran Entrepreneurs Today on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!

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