Glenwood Testing Center
Veteran Owned Business | Air Force, Separated | Member since November 6th, 2009
He has evaluated and treated thousands of children, adolescents and adults for emotional, behavioral and learning problems. He specializes in conditions like ADHD, Learning Disabilities,Sex Offending, Depression and Bipolar Disorder & Anxiety including PTSD and anger problems. Dr. Cushing has also conducted a few hundred Child Custody Evaluation.
Please mention you proudly found Glenwood Testing Center on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!
Comments on the Military and Business Ownership
The self-discipline, dedication, loyalty and work ethic taught in the military served me well in my doctoral level training. The compassion learned in caring for comrades in uniform helped me become an empathetic listener in my profession. My Air Force experience taught me about being organized, prompt, and punctual. Time management lessons learned during the Viet Nam war are useful today. The military exposed me to a diverse group of people and value systems which are important for a psychologist.
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