Nelson’s Apple Farm
Veteran Owned Business | Air Force, Retired | Member since September 4th, 2018
Please mention you proudly found Nelson’s Apple Farm on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!
Comments on the Military and Business Ownership
It has prepared me to apply the skills I learned as a service member to all aspects of operating my apple orchard and Christmas tree farm. It has trained me to organize multiple tasks in a manner that ensures these tasks are completed in a timely manner as well. And, it has also opened the door to many conversations with others who have served or are interested in learning about my experiences in the military.
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Nelson’s Apple Farm - Tagline/Slogan:
Your favorite apple orchard on County Road 86
Hours of Operation invalid_timezone_index
Open September and October for apples; November and December for Christmas trees and pre-picked applesListings
Agriculture and Forestry >> Farms >> Tree Farms
Agriculture and Forestry
Agriculture and Forestry >> Orchards
Agriculture and Forestry >> Orchards >> Apple Orchards