ULTIMATE Protection Firearm Academy
Veteran Owned Business | Navy, Separated | Member since December 7th, 2010
Military & LE discounts; ADA compliant. Firearm Training began in '95: CCW/CPL classes held weekends & weekdays with range & class at same location.
Gun sales, ammunition, holsters, supplies. CCW/CPL classes starting at $99. That's $50 off our normal tuition!!!
Please mention you proudly found ULTIMATE Protection Firearm Academy on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!
Comments on the Military and Business Ownership
My Navy experience taught me organizational skills together with the hard work and dedication necessary for ULTIMATE Protection Firearm Academy to be one of the safest, customer friendly CCW training facilities in Michigan; culminating in realizing our community based goal of building a family recreational shooting range.
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Arts and Entertainment >> Indoor Activities >> Indoor Shooting Ranges
Education and Training >> Firearms Training and Instruction >> Concealed Weapons Classes