Trade-Marx Sign and Display Corp.
Mr. Nic Veteran Representative Contact
Contact Trade-Marx Sign and Display Corp.
Veteran Owned Business | Marines, Retired | Member since October 28th, 2011
Trade-Marx Sign and Display Corp is a UL listed facility, with Certified Electricians, Welders, and Crane operators.
Please mention you proudly found Trade-Marx Sign and Display Corp. on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!
Comments on the Military and Business Ownership
Never say die, and willing to go the extra mile, surrounded by a team of skilled professionals. Willingness to accept the challenges for our customers, and apply the disciplines necessary to accomplish their every objective. My experience in the United States Marine Corps. prepared me for a successful career my industry for the last 42 years, since receiving an honorable discharge on April 1st 1969.
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