Nelson Enterprise Technology Services LLC (NETS)
Veteran Owned Business | Member since November 9th, 2008
NETS is a highly skilled team of Engineers that aim to provide high quality professional Systems and Network Enterprise Professional services with an emphasis on emerging technologies.
Nelson Enterprise Technology Services LLC offers solutions to meet the challenging requirements in e-Business, e-Government, Networks, Communication and Management. We are an emerging technology firm on the forefront of new and innovative solutions that continually improve services.
NETS has a wide base of corporate knowledge and capabilities established through managers, technical experts, system specialists and developers that are among the best in their fields. We are organized to provide maximum responsiveness and total quality management to clients.
NETS is dedicated to customer service and satisfaction. From concept to implementation, NETS supports your Enterprise Architecture on time and within budget.
NETS will combine industry best-practice guidance with Federal Government guidance (e.g. NIST, GSA etc.) to deliver products that meet the organization’s mission.
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