9 Elevate Roofing and Awnings
Veteran Owned Business | Marines, Separated | Member since February 19th, 2012
I am directly involved with each customer and their job from start to completion, no matter the size of the job.
9 Elevate Roofing is a Proud Sunsetter Awning Dealer and Installer in your area.
Please mention you proudly found 9 Elevate Roofing and Awnings on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!
Comments on the Military and Business Ownership
Well in a nutshell: the Marine Corps was very fond of using analogies for training and helping you to remember things. The one analogy that comes to mind with business is "K.I.S.S." which simply means; Keep It Simple Stupid! I try not to over complicate things with my business approach. I truly take a, " Walk before I can Run" attitude with new adventures. The Marine Corps also instilled 14 very important leadership traits in me. In business, INTEGRITY is the #1 Trait!
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